"One organization one node? Organizational boundaries as multiplex networks in fields" at the 38th EGOS Colloquium “Organizing the Beauty of Imperfection” in Vienna.
Where does an organization truly end? This is a crucial question, that needs to be answered in order to determine the unit of analysis in any organizational field (DiMaggio & Powell 1983). However, large organizations are often amorphous spanning diffuse boundaries beyond the direct legal conception of an organization.
This paper shows a way to measure such fluid boundaries by first dissolving nodes of focal organizations into smaller subunits. Then multiplexity of relationships is used as an indicator where strong multiplexity indicates strong boundaries and weak multiplexity indicates weak boundaries.
The paper presents cases using data from the german field of research. Three types of ties are measured by coding websites of organizations: legal ties are measured by an autonomous “About Us” section, coordinative ties are measured by references of coordination and symbolic ties are measured by references in the logo. These are combined with the collaboration network of organization in the field of research. Network analysis provides quantifiable metrics for the effect of boundary strength on organizational collaboration.
The study shows how the strength of boundaries has an effect on organizational collaboration networks and the possible perceived success at the 38th EGOS Colloquium https://www.egos.org/2022_Vienna/Colloquium-VENUE