Morning Lectures on Institutional Analysis, August 25-30, 2024, Hamburg

Hiermit möchten wir zu den Public Morning Lectures des 20. SCANCOR PhD Workshop on Institutional Analysis, den Walter W. Powell initiiert hat, nach Hamburg einladen. An jedem Vormittag von Montag bis Freitag werden in zwei Vorträgen aktuelle Forschungsprojekte zur Diskussion gestellt. Die Public Morning Lectures sind kostenfrei, aber wir würden uns über eine vorherige Anmeldung freuen (Link unten).

Monday, August 26

  • Civic Life Reexamined: How Do Organizational Practices Influence Participation? (Walter W. Powell, Stanford University)
  • Do We Need Institutional Macroscopes for Climate Science? (Achim Oberg, University of Hamburg)

Tuesday, August 27

  • Practical Long-Termism: Beyond Philosophy to Practice (Bruce G. Carruthers, Northwestern University)
  • Showcasing the University: Museums and the Publicness of Academic Knowledge (Gili S. Drori, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Wednesday, August 28

  • Collective Robust Action in the Face of Divisions and Marginality: An Analysis of City Resilience Strategies (Renate E. Meyer, WU Vienna)
  • When the Winner Can’t Take All: The Platformization of Industrial Production (Gernot Grabher, HafenCity University)

Thursday, August 29

  • In the Eyes of the Beholder: Corporate Calls to Action and Mobilization (Sarah A. Soule, Stanford University)
  • When Fields Overlap: Relational and Symbolic Connections and Their Outcomes (Dominika Wruk, University of Mannheim)

Friday, August 30

  • Higher Education and Environmental Outcomes (Patricia Bromley, Stanford University)
  • Institutional Renewal: The Public Library in a Multimodal Perspective (Silviya Svejenova Velikova, Copenhagen Business School)

All morning lectures are open to the public and free for everbody. Please register here for specific days:


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