Invitation to the Q-KNOW PhD Workshop "Relational Analyses of Science and Higher Education"

On the morning of 7 December, we will host a PhD workshop to discuss current approaches to research collaborations within science and the application of network analysis to better understand these patterns. We welcome contributions from current research projects in which relational methods and/or theories are applied to contemporary phenomena and issues in higher education research or science studies.

Contributions including one or more of the following topics are encouraged:

  • Network Analysis
  • Organizational Sociology
  • Higher Education Research
  • Bibliometrics
  • Science and Technology Studies

If you would like to take part in our PhD workshop, please send a short abstract of your contribution (1-2 pages) to Achim Oberg ( by 15 November 2021.



Weitere Informationen


Pavel Dimitrov Chachev
  • Universität Hamburg
  • Universität Mannheim
Dr. Jennifer Dusdal
  • Universität Luxemburg
Olaf Kellermeier
  • Universität Hamburg
  • Universität Mannheim
Prof. Dr. Achim Oberg
  • Universität Hamburg
  • Universität Mannheim
Prof. Dr. Justin Powell
  • Universität Luxemburg